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Image by Patrick Tomasso


Prestige International School campus

The Prestige International School in Rampura, Bangalore has a rich green atmosphere, peaceful climate, away from the hustle-clamour exercises of the city is the speciality of this rambling ground. Most current and huge jungle gyms, clean multimedia, study halls, cleanliness, environmental factors, exceptional labs, CCTV surveillance, and additional consideration of a youngsters' security are a portion of the need plan of the administration. It is considered the best school in Rampura.


The Prestige International School in Karnataka, one of the great Schools in Bangalore is laid out with a witticism of advancing a favourable, modern learning climate in the locale, hence changing this region into an A-list Educational focus. Having a group of best instructors, upheld by a powerful organization with a dream of working with and moving youthful personalities to develop as capable residents of the extraordinary nation is what the management yearns and depends on.


Why school infrastructure is important? As the students spend the maximum time in school, the school infrastructure can make a lot of difference to students. A super blend of aesthetics and ergonomics in infrastructure is something rare and appreciable.

Classroom Infrastructure

Our classrooms have a seating capacity of 25, well ventilated with ample natural and artificial lighting. Well Designed furniture, green glass, whiteboards, smart boards and teaching aids are artistically displayed, facilitating the learning process

Presto kids student in montessori lab
presto kids student in the classroom


The Management insists that the teacher and student get to know each other better to make a journey into kindergarten a little smoother for the teacher, student and parent. Learning is fun! Learning ABC is a fun-loving experience through tracing on sandpapers, tracing in the sandpit and joining dots and completing strokes. These activities are done with excitement by the teacher and student.

kindergarten kids
kindergarten kids


Montessori method of Education forms a part of the curriculum as it is has a child-centred approach based on scientific observations of children. It attempts to develop children physically, socially, emotionally and children work with natural aesthetic materials such as wood. Moreover, children are given the confidence to work independently with the material provided to enhance their motor skills. The focus is hands-on learning rather than abstract learning.

Students of presto kids using montessori material
Presto kids students in the classroom
montessori lab i presto kids


The cornerstone of our school is the library which gives new ideas to the staff and students who visit it regularly. The students get lost in wonderful stories during the library period and borrow books to know the climax of the story or fairy tale. Students are also exposed to a healthy learning environment for doing references and completing an assignment. The librarian caters to the needs of the staff and students.

Picture of the library
Picture of the library

Science Zone

The three labs in this edifice of learning enhance the mastery of science subject matter, develops practical skills, inculcate interest in physics, chemistry and biology. While performing an experiment students collect a lot of information and communicate with one another about the results obtained. Practical work instils scientific reasoning as well.

Chemistry Lab

robotics lab in prestige international school

Physics Lab

robotics lab in prestige school


Bio Lab

Computer Lab

Computer Science forms a part of the curriculum from Grade I to Grade X. This digital technology is included to offer a more dynamic learning experience that benefits students. Computer technology begins with elementary levels and gradually takes the students to Computer Application which is used for different types of communication, for presentation, for class interaction and for collaboration.

Computer Lab
Students using the computer lab

Concentration Lab

Regular classes are held in Yoga and Meditation to improve balance, endurance and physical strength while meditation helps to keep the mind sharp relieves stress and improves the overall well-being of every child.

Students performing yoga
Students performing yoga

Dance Studio

Prestige International's School Rampura Dance Studio is indeed a special place for students to learn dance and rehearse to the beat and sound of music. While they do so they see their reflection in the mirrored wall set before them and automatically bring grace and elegance to their style of dancing. All this is done under the guidance of the dance teacher.

Students attending dance classes


A Plunge into water Swimming creates joy and excitement in children and brings about cardiorespiratory fitness in children burns calories and builds muscle mass. Indeed a great workout to move against the resistance of water. This activity is monitored by a qualified coach.

Swimming classes at our campuses


Fun on wheels- Skating is an aerobic exercise that relieves tension, reduces body fat and strengthens muscles of the hand's legs. This activity is offered to students from Grade I to Grade VIll which is mandatory. Students confidently take part in inter-school activities.

Skating classes at our campus
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